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XMPP4R: Get Client's Complete Roster the Right Way
Connect to Jabber. With XMPP4R, a library for
Ruby, it is possible, but not as easy as you could think.
One could ask “Why don’t you use
xmpp4r-simple?”. My answer: “I’m not a
There are many little bastards you should know before fetching client’s
roster with contacts’ vcard (nickname, full name, avatar, …), status (online,
away, …) or status message. This is how I do this task. It works flawlessly.
This is simplified code I use in my chat application. Reading comments might be
# Enable to see requests and responses between your machine and your jabber # server (easy to read XML). Recommended.Jabber::debug=true# first, sign in to your jabber account with your Jabber ID and"someuser@somejabberserver.tld")client.connect()client.auth("my password")# now we are authenticated, let's fetch roster with all information we want# initialize request roster from jabber server, wait for responseroster.get_roster()roster.wait_for_roster()# now we know your friends' Jabber Idsroster.items.eachdo|jid,contact|puts"In roster I have: "+jidend# we don't know their status and status message, let's do it# First, add presence callback. If anyone in roster change his/her state # (e.g. come online), you will know it.roster.add_presence_callbackdo|roster_item,old_presence,new_presence|puts"Somebody changed his/her state to "+new_presence.status.to_s# new_presence also offers status message and other stuffend# To start receiving presence messages from your jabber server, you have to # send your presence first. It's really important to send your presence # AFTER roster.add_presence_callback, because the callback will not catch # every presence message which your jabber server sent to you.client.send( Now you know who is online in your roster. If somebody from your # roster won't be caught in roster.add_presence_callback block, then # it just means he/she is offline.# get vcardroster.items.eachdo|jid,contact|# According to documentation, fetching vcard can take longer time.# Use threads if you think it is a good idea.Thread.newdovcard=Jabber::Vcard::Helper.get(client,jid)nickname=vcard&&vcard["FN"]||''#get avatar or other information hereendend
What I’ve learned from using XMPP4R library in my project – callbacks are good
thing and use them.